The Secret for Weight Loss That Scientists Have Discovered!  

LATEST RESEARCH shows that exercise
alone won't cause weight loss.

Exercise is important for health, but study suggests that activity alone does not necessarily burn extra calories, and that diet should be the focus of weight loss.

Dr Alison Tedstone, chief nutritionist at Public Health England said: “Being physically active is good for your physical and mental health and also helps to maintain a healthy weight. However, the evidence shows the most effective way of losing weight is to reduce calorie intake through a healthy balanced diet.

Exercise is important for health, but study suggests that activity alone does not necessarily burn extra calories, and that diet should be the focus of weight loss Dr Alison Tedstone, chief nutritionist at Public Health England said: “Being physically active is good for your physical and mental health and also helps to maintain a healthy weight. However, the evidence shows the most effective way of losing weight is to reduce calorie intake through a healthy balanced diet

Up to date Summary

  • Exercise (is important for general health but) alone won’t cause weight loss
  • Therefore in a healthy balanced diet there should be some calorie restriction
  • We are designed as ‘eating machines’ but conversion from food to energy is only 20-25%
  • A natural solution could be a system that improved energy efficiency plus helped to restrict calories
  • That means adding energy but not calories so that you do not feel as hungry
  • SOS is a quick and easy zero calorie energy answer that could mean less food but more energy
  • See the scientific support and explanation (Zero cal energy Summary)


ICE MELT/WATER- for Weight Loss!

Spoil your appetite with a small glass of water has shown that it can help you to lose more weight, without feeling hungry and deprived. It is called Preloading. Spoiling your appetite with SOS Water/Ice is even more powerful as you add energy so do not want or need to eat as much.

I want to share my weight loss experience

I took this method I used our SOS/WATER Ice. My own results showed that I lost 14 lbs in 30 days. My feeling is that the SOS ICE/Water helps to improve the results because it adds zero calorie energy – so you do not have to eat as much but you have the added energy. Our tests are ongoing.

OUR CONCLUSION is that SOS/ICE increases the loss of weight and increases energy.

ASK FOR A FREE TRIAL - Click here and fill out our online form

This sort of weight loss solution is backed up by various scientific studies.

One study, conducted by the Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, showed that having something in your stomach (even a non-calorie liquid like water) before a meal can help you to eat fewer calories overall, as well as feeling more satisfied. This is called meal preloading, and can be a very effective way to practice portion control and prevent overeating at meal times, without feeling like you’re always starving.

So, drinking 30 minutes before a meal is a good technique for losing weight, and one that you can tailor to your own tastes and preferences.

This evidence has been used by some of the scientists who worked on this research, and by others, to bolster suggestions that people who are trying to lose weight can benefit from augmenting – but not replacing – their dietary programs by drinking water, either before meals or at any time. Such advice had previously been given by dieticians even before the most recent research was published.

In the case of appetite reduction, the apparent effect has been reproduced in a published study[1] in adults aged 55–75, half of whom were instructed to drink 500ml of water before every meal, while following a low-calorie diet. This behaviour led to the water-drinking cohort losing over a 12 week period. On average, the water-drinking cohort also continued to lose weight - although at a weight faster slower rate - over the following 12 month period, even though they had ceased their low-calorie diets. The study authors attribute this to the fact that those participants continued to drink water before meals.


PRELOADING Scientific Proof

Glass of water before each meal could help in weight reduction

Date: August 26, 2015

Researchers from the University of Birmingham have shown that drinking 500ml of water at half an hour before eating main meals may help obese adults to lose weight. They believe that the simple intervention could be hugely beneficial, and be easily promoted by healthcare professionals and through public health campaigns.

Those in the group who were instructed to 'preload' with water lost, on average, 1.3kg (2.87lbs) more than those in the control group. Those who reported preloading before all three main meals in the day reported a loss of 4.3kg (9.48lbs) over the 12 weeks, whereas those who only preloaded once, or not at all, only lost an average of 0.8kg (1.76lbs).

Obese adult participants were recruited from general practices and monitored over a 12 week period. Each of the participants, all adults with obesity, were given a weight management consultation, where they were advised on how to adapt their lifestyle and improve their diet and levels of physical activity. 41 of those recruited were asked to preload with water, and 43 were advised to imagine that they had a full stomach before eating.

Those in the group who were instructed to 'preload' with water lost, on average, 1.3kg (2.87lbs) more than those in the control group. Those who reported preloading before all three main meals in the day reported a loss of 4.3kg (9.48lbs) over the 12 weeks, whereas those who only preloaded once, or not at all, only lost an average of 0.8kg (1.76lbs).

The above post is reprinted from materials provided by University of BirminghamNote: Materials may be edited for content and length.

Journal Reference: Helen M. Parretti, Paul Aveyard, Andrew Blannin, Susan J. Clifford, Sarah J. Coleman, Andrea Roalfe, Amanda J. Daley. Efficacy of water preloading before main meals as a strategy for weight loss in primary care patients with obesity: RCTObesity, 2015; RCTObesity, 2015; DOI:10.1002/oby.21167


Study of over 18,000 people the link is above

People who increased their consumption of water by one, two or three cups daily decreased their total energy intake by 68 to 205 calories daily and their sodium intake by 78 to 235 milligrams, according to a paper by University of Illinois kinesiology and community health professor Ruopeng An. They also consumed 5 grams to nearly 18 grams less sugar and decreased their cholesterol consumption by 7 to 21 milligrams daily.


Increase in the Considerable rate of weight loss (more than 13 percent) was observed when a preload was added before each meal, along with restricting calorie intake.

* Energy density of food and total intake of energy decreased with addition of preloads, irrespective of their form.

* Level of HDL cholesterol (good cholesterol) increased by 6.2 percent with grapefruit preload and by 8.2 percent with grapefruit juice preload. In contrast, HDL cholesterol decreased by 3.7 percent when the preload consisted of only water.

REF - TRIAL REGISTRATION: NCT00581074. Dietary Preload Positively Effects Weight Loss By FYI Health Writer on Mar 03, 2011  


             Foundational Principles – Dynamic Synergy of Water and Light

Based on our studies, research and development based on NASA Light Research and ongoing over 3000 papers + Over 10 years research by Professor Pollack and his team on water and 600 scientific articles on Hydrogen Water (+ Tyler Lebaron)

  • Water has four phases – Vapour, Ordinary Water, Structured Water (SOS) and Ice
  • Water Stores Energy – in 2 ways – order (configuration for potential energy) and separation of positive and negative charge (becomes like a battery of potential energy – This immediately bio-available)
  • Water gets its energy from various specific wavelengths of light. By splitting water molecules - also making Hydrogen and Oxygen bio-available.
  • SOS Super Charged type water might be like a natural source of zero calorie energy
  • The researchers think that one of the main product of the reaction is the H2 gas has been discussed many times to be the best free-radical scavenger (antioxidant) that you can possibly have.

For more science and explanation from Dr Pollack please watch


Hydrogen. Human, animal, and cell studies indicate that hydrogen exerts its beneficial effects via three primary methods. H2 instantly converts the most toxic free radicals to water: H2+2 OH = 2H2O H2 supports the homeostatic levels of our body's antioxidants (e.g. glutathione) H2 has a beneficial effect on cell signalling, cell metabolism, and gene expression offering important wellness benefits. There are also about 600 scientific articles written with in support of the benefits of Hydrogen enriched water showing that it could help in:-

  • Weight loss – as an appetite suppressant and Zero cal natural substitute for food.
  • Improving ATP Energy production in the mitochondria (as above)
  • Increasing energy levels
  • Decreasing lactic acid production in the muscles
  • Slowing down early fatigue
  • Neutralising toxic radicals as it could act as a selective antioxidant
  • Protecting against injuries
  • Helps up-regulate the bodies antioxidants
  • May help with therapy in 150 disease modules
  • Hydration – Faster and more complete hydration – SOS sport and SOS Hangover shots
  • Zero Calorie natural energy – For general tiredness and Weight loss
  • Longer life – SOS ICE Melt - keeps its potential and releases on melting
  • General Health – the power of Hydrogen
  • Check our site

Weight Loss Club Terms & Conditions



Miles2go, employees, certified distributors or agents so not make any warranties, expressed or implied, as to the use or effectiveness of any our products or services for a particular purpose. The user is solely responsible for determining whether our Light treatment is fit for a particular and suitable for the user’s method of application.
We believe that there is no healing power outside your body, and we do not claim that our light or service has healing power of any kind, and no claim as such is made or implied. The unit itself is a mixture of light, designed to be similar to the wavelengths used in the Independent evuidence, which might help as a tool to provide a safe, painless, non-invasive method of helping to stimulate cellular physiologically sensitive and skin sensory areas. While many people have been satisfactorily treated using light therapy as in the independent evidence, or have received some relief by this kind of method, no warranty is given or implied to the effectiveness, or otherwise, of this form of treatment or the programme offered. No responsibility is accepted for any treatment effects, condition progress, or sequel arising after treatment.
The information provided is for educational purposes only and is not intended to replace advice from your Doctor or other health care professional. We suggest you use our light system in conjunction with your health care professional’s recommendations.


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